October / November 2020 news
Nov. 29th International Jaguar Day

This November 29th we celebrate another Jaguar International Day in a middle of a pandemic which is a time full of lights and shadows. In general, I would say that this period was a pretty bad moment for conservation efforts; the lack of Rangers and the abuse from restrictions was quite bad for the Jaguar habitat and this is true for all the endangered species as well, “wild” fires everywhere, no controls are not good things.
On the other hand, you see nature doing its job. In some parts of Argentina, the Jaguar population recovered a little bit and while the number is still low (under 250 in the entire country) it is a promising signal. The other brilliant light is the work being done in the Chaco province where Jaguars are being reintroduced by … of course, Rewilding Argentina. They are doing the same thing they did in the Corrientes province and that is another positive sign for the future. If you want to know more about what is going on with Jaguars, see the new section what is going on (good news only)
On BCB’s side of things, the progress is slow however good. The ongoing collaboration with Jaguars in the fringe produced a new device meant to mitigate the Human-Jaguar conflicts; a lot of activities are are on the plans and we are willing to start them as soon as covid-19 related restrictions are relax in Jujuy and Salta provinces. If you want to know more details about the new device, please visit this section here.
Once again, Juan Reppucci from Jaguars in the fringe is a quite valuable collaborator to understand local needs and potential solutions, I hope next year we will be able to publish concrete results on the testings on the field, mixing local inhabitants with state-of-the-art technology is also promising. A preview on my part of the Job is placed under the new section downloads (password restricted, available on demand)
In this period of time, being in Argentina working with cutting edge tech is also a complex thing and I have to thank again the unbelievable small gestures from Sony UK and US that encourage me to keep going, I really appreciate the informal relationship with them and for helping me to capture some elusive sensors!
At last, but not less important and given the fact that the WildEdge site is getting several hits from almost all around the world and that the number of subscribers is increasing, I decided to celebrate this month with a massive update to the site; it is really important to see the people’s interest on the things being published here. Almost every section has new content and you can find a summary here about the changes made.
I will contact you soon to know what else what you would like to see on the site. For now, we will keep working and setting milestones for next year which I wish it will be a more happy year for all of us.
Cheers and keep going.
Queridos Yaguaretés, dear Jaguars
Have a great day and life ahead.