Big Cat Brother - News - March 2021
I didn’t update the site for a while, it wasn’t vacation, I was working on many things and I have some good news … by the way, at the same time I work for the Jaguars more Jaguars cubs are born in Ibera – Corrientes, they are truly coming back there, please see the updated what is going on section or the videos on the Links page, it seems the links section will become a parallel news section for the Jags. You will also find there news happening NOW, before I upload the changes made to the site. Jaguars are also being reintroduced in the Chaco province and guess what ? new cubs are born there too, please, visit the what is going on page! A great news and I think Rewilding Argentina is making something huge.
Regarding Big Cat Brother, and here is where the Big Cat name starts to make sense, there are good news too, all of them depending on how the pandemic unfolds. I’ve been talking with Cristian Osorio from Carnivoros Australes in the context of applying this technology to protect and study Pumas as well, we are willing to extend the scope as soon as possible in order to use BCB cameras to work with Pumas, they are also having a hard time in Chile, May / June could be the date to start working on that. Another important contribution to the project was done by Dr. Agustín Paviolo, I am not the one to judge because I am not a biologist, but he is known here as one of the most important people regarding Yaguaretés, see the links to see his work on researchGate and also the project “Proyecto Yaguareté” which has been given good results in one of the areas where Jaguars are still present in Argentina. He provided me with some samples of gunfire, unfortunately they can be heard a lot there. This information will allow me to fine tune Neural Networks to detect gunfire more efficiently by taking into account the usual ambient noise from the zone.
While here in Argentina everything is frozen due to the eternal lock down that affects domestic trips, we manage to keep going with Jaguars in the fringe, we are near to test the Cow Collars and I hope will get started with all the things we have been discussing. Juan Reppucci is an excellent partner to discover concrete problems regarding humans and wildlife conflicts in the north of Argentina.
To keep up with hardware adoption I have to find new solutions on the Software side. In that regard I started to use edgeImpulse which seems to be a great tool to deploy tinyML (Tiny Machine Learning or Machine Learning optimized to be executed on Micro-controllers). You can expect some technical posts on this site too alongside the Sony Neural Network Console and the tools to make the models ready for Tensorflow lite (Supported both on the Arduinos Portentas and the Sony Spresense), it will require some time as edgeImpulse is not fully support the Sony Spresense nor the Arduinos Portentas.
I also made other changes to the site as the result of analyzing your visit habits using the visitor analytics, if you are a subscriber of the site I will get in contact to ask you for direct feedback about what you would like to see on the site.
Thanks for being there!