BCB's New Collaborators and Devices,
Buenos Aires, Argentina (90 days of Quarantine)
May - June 2020
Besides the quarantine imposed by governments due to the covid-19 pandemic things kept active for BCB.
One thing to remark is the collaboration provided by Juan Reppucci and Jaguares en el limite. Argentina has three zones where Jaguars are endangered, the Yungas is one of them and Juan is doing an amazing job there trying different approaches to reduce human-jaguar conflicts among other studies on Cats.
Jaguares en el límite
He shared pictures captured by trap cameras that are allowing the improvement of the AI training process for BCB002S smart cameras. He also provided pictures of Pumas that will be included into the training process (using other techniques given the amazing camouflage of Pumas). These collaborations are extremely valuable given the fact that having local pictures helps to achieve a better recognition precision. As you may know, landscapes and patterns are important features for computer vision techniques. So, my gratitude to this guy and his colleagues.
In another order of things BCB has a new device and it is a step forward towards mobile devices, these mobile devices (BCB004 in this case) are quite important to reduce deployment costs and enhance the chances to get closer to where events happen. BCB is still a land based device system but mobility will allow to enhance the chances to achieve all the main BCB goals: To avoid road accidents, to reduce human-Jaguar conflicts and off course to keep gaining images and information about Jaguars (and pumas soon). The details for this device will be published soon.
This is not a news because you are seeing it already but the BCB site went through a heavy refactoring process and I hope it will be easier for you to find information about #Jaguars (#Yaguaretés), #Tech4Nature, details on the biodiversity crisis, BCB information and of course all the technical content I am willing to share with you.